I work in a community legal clinic,
Keewaytinok Native Legal Services in
Moosonee, Ontario. The clinic is funded by
Legal Aid Ontario, formerly
known as the Ontario Legal Aid Plan. Keewaytinok provides free legal
services to low income people and their organizations (including First
Nations) in the James Bay area. Services include casework and public
legal education. The clinic handles many types of cases including
consumer, debt, criminal (generally just summary advice), employment,
wills, family (generally just summary advice), drafting of documents,
Native, social assistance, victims of crime, employment insurance and
the incorporation and organization of non-profit corporations. I
cannot provide legal advice to anyone other than clinic clients since as
long as I do not carry insurance for private practice; Legal Aid Ontario
pays my fees and errors and omissions insurance as long as I do no
outside work.
Community Legal Education Ontario - a
Legal Aid Ontario clinic that produces clear language material
Law Society of Upper Canada -
Governing Body for Ontario Lawyers
Employment and
Labour Law Information
Osgoode Hall Law School of
York University |